California Judge Finds Mary Cummins Acted in Bad Faith, Dismisses Claims and Request for Injunction

In an apparent attempt to circumvent venue requirements and have her personal injury case against Bat World heard in a Federal court in California, Mary Cummins tried to add defamation claims to the case.  She claimed that the allegations were different than those presented in her other pending case but the judge wasn’t buying it:

After giving her a second chance to validate her allegations, the judge determined that she was, in fact, simply repeating claims from her other lawsuit:

In other words, nice try, Mary Cummins, but the court isn’t fooled.  Accordingly, the judge noted that the claims were filed in bad faith and dismissed them along with her request for an injunction:

He then transferred the case to Texas, where it seems it should have been filed in the first place:

Just another bad day in court for Mary Cummins.  Perhaps next time she won’t try to outsmart the judge and pull a fast one on the courts.